June 2021 Newsletter

In this edition of the newsletter we find out that the Cook Islands are the second home of President Bill Mutch, learn some useful things about computers from May’s guest speaker Grant Stevens, and get to view photos from the coffee morning at Kings Plant Barn in Universal Drive Henderson. Read more…

May 2021 Newsletter

Two remarkable events are recorded in this newsletter: one being the coffee morning held at The Falls restaurant and the other the Kaipara Harbour cruise. More than 40 people went to the coffee morning, admittedly from both West Auckland Men’s Rebus and Waitakere Combined Rebus, but still an amazing turnout. Read more…

April 2021 Newsletter

A trip to Auckland Zoo, a coffee morning at Huckleberry Cafe, and the March monthly meeting at the Friendship Hall, all feature in this newsletter. The many photographs from these events resulted in the email file size exceeding the maximum allowed by Sendinblue. Maurice Vickers spoke at the monthly meeting Read more…

March 2021 Newsletter

We dragged five tables together to create one big enough to accommodate all of us who went to the Swanson Railway Cafe in February. Fortunately for a group of cyclists, suitably attired with fluorescent coloured clothing to make them highly visible to motorists, we left enough tables and chairs for Read more…