Two remarkable events are recorded in this newsletter: one being the coffee morning held at The Falls restaurant and the other the Kaipara Harbour cruise.
More than 40 people went to the coffee morning, admittedly from both West Auckland Men’s Rebus and Waitakere Combined Rebus, but still an amazing turnout. Holding coffee mornings at different cafes in West Auckland has to be a factor in the increasing success of the coffee mornings. Most times when events are repeated, the novelty wears off; then numbers attending spiral downwards.
Thirty-seven people went on the Kaipara Cruise. Again it was a joint venture with the Waitakere Combined Rebus Club. The problem for Rebus West Auckland when it comes to trips that require a bus to be hired is finding sufficient members to make the trip viable. Getting the two Rebus clubs involved is the solution.
There are some good cartoons in this newsletter courtesy of Anthony Dennis. They show how times have changed in all manner of areas from elegant dresses to deliberately ripped denim jeans, and families conversing to family members all looking at hand-held devices.
Download the May 2021 newsletter by clicking on this link.