On August 17, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the country would move to alert level 4 at 11:59 pm that night. That decision resulted in the coffee morning at the Sugar Grill café on the Te Atatu peninsula, and the Gold Card Trip on the train to Orakei Bay Village, not going ahead. The September 2021 newsletter ended up with less current content than normal however the talk Bill Fairs gave on his life in music at the monthly meeting on August 13 and which was written up in this newsletter, makes it one of the most notable newsletters of 2021.
There are some other interesting stories found in the pages of this newsletter, including Trevor Pollard taking a 101-year-old woman from Waitakere Hospital to Peacehaven Rest home in his van, Herb Simmonds talking to members about how minor sports are overlooked and mentioning his father, Captain Herb Simmonds, who represented New Zealand in rifle shooting in Italy in 1919, and a story from Maurice Vickers found in the September 2004 minutes, in which Maurice described the debilitating effects he experienced when hospitalized with Guillain-Barré Syndrome in 1990.
Download the September 2021 Newsletter by clicking on the button below.