11 Merilyne Rose
1 Jack Ryder Pavilion
2 Ryder Hotel
3 Ryder Veranda
4 Ryder Petrol Station
5 Ryder Picture Theatre 1
6 Ryder Picture Theatre 2
7 Clint Ryder Kitchen
9 Name Tags
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Trevor Pollard has been diligently working behind the scenes to ensure the continuation of our annual roast meal and movie event at Ryder’s. This event has become a favourite among our members, with memorable gatherings in December 2022 with the Avondale-Waterview Historical Society and in December 2023 with the Henderson Falls Friendship Club.

This year, Trevor initiated the arrangements by reaching out to Allison Turner, the secretary of the Avondale-Waterview Historical Society. Allison has booked the event with Clint Ryder for Tuesday, October 1st.

Allison Turner Secretary of the Avondale-Waterview Historical Society

The Avondale-Waterview Historical Society and neighbouring Pt Chevalier Historical Society will not be able to provide the minimum number of 25 attendees required for the event to proceed. Other clubs, including ours, will step in to make up the deficit.

Event Details:

  • Date: Tuesday, October 1st
  • Cost: $38 per person (same as last year)
  • * Pay into West Auckland Men’s Rebus Bank Account: 38-9022-0402722-00
  • Ryder’s Gates Opening Time: 10:00 AM
  • Location: 177 Riversdale Road, Avondale
  • Magnum ice creams: $5 pay on the day
  • BYO: Wine if you want to
  • Vegetarian: Please let us know
  • Cancellation Deadline: Friday 27th September 2:00 pm

* Note that this is not the bank account number used for outings with Waitakere Combined Rebus.

Clint has requested that we secure accurate attendance figures and will hold us accountable for the number we say are coming before he orders his dinner supplies from Gilmores in May Road.

To avoid financial losses for the organisers due to no-shows, Clint has advised us to collect $38 in advance from those attending the movie and dinner.

We therefore ask members from our club and members from other clubs, to pay the $38 to the West Auckland Men’s Rebus Kiwibank Account 38-9022-0402722-00. Insert your surname and ryders in the particulars and code fields.

Please ensure your payment is made well before the deadline of Friday, 27th September at 2:00 pm. Your payment must be visible in the West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club Kiwibank account by 3:00 pm on the same day. If banks do not process payments within the expected one-hour timeframe, you risk not making it onto the list of those going.

Linda Narayan, Trevor Pollard, Ann and Alan Verry, at Ryder’s on Riversdale Road, December 2022

If you have paid and then for some reason need to cancel, please phone or email Vince Middeldorp the Secretary of West Auckland Men’s Rebus Club, Vince Middeldorp mob 021 1896822, hm 828 5250, email [email protected]

If you cancel before the final count is phoned through to Ryders you will receive a full refund. Refunds for late cancellations i.e. those made after 2:00 pm on Friday 27th September, can not be made.

To see if your name is on the list of those going to Ryders, or to see if your cancellation has been recorded, click on the link below

Note that because of other commitments on Friday 27th September, Vince Middeldorp will only be contactable by text and email for most of the day.

Categories: Events