One of our members, Dr Rex Billington, spent eight years as a scientist based in the Geneva Head Office of the World Health Organisation. With monthly meetings being cancelled due to Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, two club speaker talks given by Rex in 2005 and 2007 were used to provide content for the newsletter. John Mihaljevic, the newsletter editor, sent a draft of the article to Rex and he expanded on what Tom Lowndes had recorded in the minutes, with additional information.
Eric Strickett, who is no longer a member of our Club, but does keep in touch and is a frequent guest at our social events, sent a story to Ana Samways at the NZ Herald which she included in her Sideswipe column on Thursday 9 September 2021. A photocopy of the story is included in the newsletter along with a follow-up item sent in by a reader of the column. When asked to comment on the Sideswipe columns, Eric said there was more and wrote about some notable students who attended Otahuhu College. Included were Prime Minister David Lange, author Barry Crump, and career soldier Major John Hall.
Download the June 2021 Newsletter by clicking this link.