The Covid-19 pandemic lockdown has resulted in all regular activities being curtailed. There is however still news to report such as Noel Rose regretfully advising his resignation as president and the new club website turning out better than expected.
Newsletter editor John Milhaljevic has reprinted some material from the past. It will be of particular interest to New Lynn Probus members who would not have seen them.
One article is about John McKeown who tells his story about growing up in a poor working-class catholic family in East Belfast, being invited to join the IRA while at university, and paying his own way when migrating to New Zealand so he could go back if he did not like the place.
Another reprinted article is about Neil Castle’s exploits as a successful amateur gold miner on the West Coast of the South Island. There are photographs showing how a suction pump is used to get water and gravel rushing through the sluice box and how gold is caught in matting or behind riffles.