Bill Hohepa guest speaker at the June 2020 meeting

The June meeting can go ahead because it will not result in a gathering of more than 100 people. We are now using the big room and are able to comply with the social distancing rules. As per usual, the meeting is on the second Friday of the month, 12th June, at the New Lynn Friendship Hall.

The guest speaker is Bill Hohepa, an icon of the good New Zealand bloke. Be it fishing, motorbikes, four-wheel drives, or old trucks, Bill has made a TV show about it.

Some of us met Bill Hohepa on a club trip to Pine Harbour last year. He was having lunch at Pepper Jacks when we arrived.

I pointed out to Merilyne Rose that Bill Hohepa was sitting in the restaurant and suggested we invite him to speak at one of our meetings. I was cobsmacked when Merilyne said that she went through both primary and secondary school with Bill Hohepa. Then she said Bill had already been asked to speak and he would definitely come after March.

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