John Mihaljevic and John Corban looking at an equipment rack from Independent Living

In his President’s Report for the June newsletter, Bill Mutch said that Richard Blakeborough from Independent Living Charitable Trust, who was the guest speaker at the May meeting, had an amazing number of products, knew his subject well, and even added some humour.

The Whisper AI transcript of Richard Blakeborough’s talk captures the points Bill was moved to comment on. The wide range of products available, the benefits they provide and some South London Market stall holder wit has all ended up in the transcript.

There was a coffee morning at Esquires in Henderson on 25 May. It was notable for the number of people from Waitakere Combined Rebus and West Auckland Men’s Rebus, who turned up. A photo snapped at just the right moment, shows just about everyone from the two clubs, laughing, smiling and having a good time.

Waitakere Rebus and West Auckland Rebus at Esquires Cafe in Henderson

Anyone who asks themselves why they should go to a coffee morning when they can walk into a café whenever they want to and buy a flat white coffee should look at this picture.

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