When Selwyn Village sales consultant Kathy Fitchett asked if she could come and talk to us, it was suggested that a better idea would be for us to go to Selwyn Village for a coffee morning.

We have had a coffee morning at a retirement village before. It was at Waitakere Gardens. On that occasion, Metlifecare sales executive Amanda McCullough spoke midway through the coffee morning and generously paid the tab.

So, we are going to endeavour to replicate at Selwyn Village on 26 April 2023, the coffee morning that worked so well at Waitakere Gardens. Kathy is going to give a presentation during the coffee morning and will pay for our morning tea (or coffee) and nibbles.
Those who are interested can go on a tour to see some of the facilities and to visit a couple of apartments. Presentation packs will be handed out and also a voucher for a free coffee and muffin, redeemable on a return visit.

Selwyn Village was established back in 1954 and is owned by an independent, Christian faith-based New Zealand registered charity called the Selwyn Foundation. The village provides what it calls, “a continuum of care” so alongside the independent living option, the village has its own rest home, dementia and hospital care.